Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 23: In Your Closet

This won't be an obvious choice for today's theme.  I went into my closet and thought, "Thirty years from now, what am I going to want a picture of?"  I don't have many timeless things in my closet- there's no wedding dress or even prom gowns.  But I do keep this little tiara on a shelf in there.  It's the first gift Nick ever gave me.  He went to Disneyland with his family when we were dating, and bought this for me, which references one of the very few inside jokes we had at the time.  When he gave it to me, I was essentially speechless but thought, "If I don't marry him, I'm an idiot."

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 22: Clothing

Samoan Sunday Best

Shot in Av mode, using the pop-up flash as fill light, but I was a little too far back to have it do a lot.

ISO 160
50mm lens